On March 5th, the Anderson Republican Club held its candidate debate. While Tom Brinkman was there, fired-up and ready to go, his opponent, incumbent Peter Stautberg, refused to appear and discuss his votes to raise taxes and give free needles to heroin addicts. Stautberg, who supports Common Core education initiatives, has done hardly anything to stop Obama Care in Ohio.

Tom Brinkman talks about his impressive record with the Anderson Township GOP. His opponent, Peter Stautberg, was a no-show at the event.
It’s no wonder he did not want to appear.
Tom Brinkman Arrived early and stayed late discussing the issues with all in attendance. Brinkman Pointed out just a few of Stautberg’s many failings and made the case to Fire Stautberg and Hire Brinkman on May 6th.
Brinkman recounted his many accomplishments cutting taxes, limiting government and supporting the rights of the unborn and our 2nd amendment rights.
More info:
Representative Stautberg Chooses Fundraiser Over Anderson Candidates’ Forum on 3/5/14