[ld_freakin_image image=”7034″ color=”linear-gradient(139deg, rgb(91, 104, 255) 20.38216560509554%, rgb(255, 120, 112) 97.77070063694268%)”]
[ld_fancy_heading tag=”h2″ split_type=”words” ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”0″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ enable_split=”true” duration=”1200″ delay=”140″ ca_init_translate_y=”23″ ca_init_translate_x=”0″ ca_init_rotate_z=”7″]Accomplishments[/ld_fancy_heading][ld_spacer height=”10px”][ld_fancy_heading tag=”p” ca_init_scale_x=”1″ ca_init_scale_y=”1″ ca_init_scale_z=”1″ ca_init_opacity=”1″ ca_an_scale_x=”1″ ca_an_scale_y=”1″ ca_an_scale_z=”1″ ca_an_opacity=”1″ use_custom_fonts_title=”true” enable_split=”true” use_mask=”true” color=”rgb(61, 61, 61)” fs=”16px” lh=”2em” ls=”0.01em” margin=”right_large:20%25″ duration=”1200″ start_delay=”200″ delay=”180″ ca_init_translate_y=”50″ el_class=”text-underline”]Tom Brinkman was a member of the Ohio House of Representative for four 2-year terms from 2001 to 2008, when he retired due to constitutionally mandated term limits. During his tenure he maintained a perfect attendance record over eight years and served as Chairman of the House Committee of Commerce and Labor where he crafted House Bill 100, which was part of a one – two punch that turned the corrupt Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation back from the brink of insolvency. Other legislative accomplishments included the reform of Ohio’s adoption system and forcing state government into the 21st century with the Transparency and Accountability Act.[/ld_fancy_heading]