She’s a doctor; he’s an engineer. Their conversation led to a new system that can decontaminate 80,000 masks a day.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Ault Park Commons Ribbon Cutting
Future Site of the Kyle Plush Pavilion at Stanbery Park
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
In late March, State Rep. Tom Brinkman attended Mariemont’s Town Hall meeting, an annual tradition for the village dating back to its founding in 1941. Another tradition of the village is their Town Crier who is considered an officer of Town Meeting whose official duties include opening the Town Meeting and leading the Memorial Day Parade.

St. Rep. Tom Brinkman and Mariemont’s Town Crier, Bob Keyes
Thank you!
Thank you! I will continue to work hard for you as your State Representative.
COAST Christmas Party

Tom Brinkman speaks with Congressman Steve Chabot at the 2014 COAST Christmas party. Brinkman expressed his displeasure to Chabot about Congress’ recent passage of the $1 trillion “cromnibus” bill, which was rammed through at the last minute.
Brinkman Talks with Congressman Steve Chabot

Tom Brinkman speaks with Congressman Steve Chabot about issues affecting residents of Symmes Township and Indian Hil.
Yard Sign Pick Up
This weekend will be a BIG sign pick up all over the 27th Ohio House District. Leave them out and we will pick them up.
Waste not, want not. We will reuse them in the Fall.
Thank you!