She’s a doctor; he’s an engineer. Their conversation led to a new system that can decontaminate 80,000 masks a day.
Author Archives: admin
2019 Pumpkin Chuck
Like we’ve said before, if you’ve never seen a pumpkin “chucked” then you haven’t lived….well, that might be an exaggeration. Nevertheless, Tom Brinkman was once again on hand for all the fun at the annual Pumpkin Chuck that took place at Stanbery Park on Saturday, November 2nd. This is the signature event for Mt. Washington and quite a unique one for the area!
Thank you to the Mt. Washington Community Council and all their partners!
Ault Park Commons Ribbon Cutting
Future Site of the Kyle Plush Pavilion at Stanbery Park
Mt. Washington Pumpkin Chuck
If you’ve never seen a pumpkin “chucked” then you haven’t lived….well, that might be an exaggeration. Nevertheless, Tom Brinkman was on hand for all the fun at the annual Pumpkin Chuck that took place at Stanbery Park on Saturday, November 3rd. This is the signature event for Mt. Washington and a unique one for the area. If you missed this year’s event, don’t worry it will come back around on November 2nd 2019.
Vote NO on Issues 1 & 9
Brinkman Collects Signatures to Put Sales Tax Increase on the Ballot
Tom Brinkman has been an instrumental force helping to gather signatures so Hamilton County citizens have an opportunity to vote on the recent sales tax increase enacted by the County Commissioners. This was done as part of the We Demand a Vote Coalition. Brinkman believes the issue is far too important for just 2 out of 3 commissioners to impose…the people should decide if they the sales tax to go up.

Tom Brinkman talks with a voter about the importance of placing the issue on the November ballot.
We Demand a Vote!
Friends – I have worked my entire political career to keep taxes low and government small. Period.
The Hamilton County Commissioners (Monzel excepted) recently voted to increase the sales tax. I believe this decision is far too important to not be decided on by the people – especially in the high-tax environment in which we currently find ourselves.
That’s why I am part of broad coalition to gather enough signatures to get this issue on the ballot, for an up or down vote, by the citizens of Hamilton County.
Will you join me?
The Magical Birth Canal
Friends – someone shared this simple, amusing and yet powerful video illustrating the absurdness of the pro-abortion crowd’s arguments. Enjoy and please share!
Ault Park Advisory Committee
The Ault Park Advisory Committee is a great group of neighbors working to keep Ault Park GREAT! I am proud to have linked APAC to State Capital funds for the third time last session.